Coronet, addendum

By | September 4, 2014

The original plan was to map a doily pattern and convert it to a wedge shape. But once that was done, I found I couldn’t stop fiddling.

Looking at the stitch map for the wedge, I noticed that it would be possible to knit Coronet in the round without ever having to shift the beginning-of-rounds marker. Consider this highlighted section:

Coronet in the round

The “gotcha!” is that, on three rounds within the hex mesh section, you’d need to keep the beginning-of-rounds marker in the middle of a double yo. That might not be everyone’s cup of tea.

Ooh! What if the repeated and extra sections were defined differently?

Coronet wedge, v2

Ha! A lot of the wedge’s funkiness goes away.

Coronet wedge, v2

Also: what about using the last few rows as an edging, say, to a crescent shawl?

Coronet edging

Mm, yes, that could be fun.

Coronet edging

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