Sucking less

By | November 2, 2011

Check out this article: “I Suck at Photoshop.” The subtitle is telling: “Except I Don’t, and You Don’t Suck at That Thing You’re ‘Bad at’ Either.” The whole idea is that no-one is really good at anything when they first try; it always takes some effort and practice.

Ya gotta love the article’s tone. Here’s my favorite quote: “…what could be easier than improving at something you suck at? The bar is so low. […] Frankly, you should revel in the things you suck at. What a fantastic opportunity to grow with hardly any effort!”

Too true in knitting. No-one pulls off a smooth, fluid crochet-onto-the-needle cast-on on their first go. Reading your knitting and reading charts gets easier with practice. And I’m still waiting for the day that stranded colorwork feels effortless.

What could you suck at less, if you spent some time at it? Me, I’m going to try to suck less at blogging, as part of NaBloPoMo. We’ll see what happens.

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