Bribery, decadence, and guilt

By | April 22, 2011

All week long, I had been dragging on my heels on a task that needed to get done this week. It doesn’t really matter what it was, but it did need to happen today—so I resorted to bribery. I told myself this morning that once I completed that task, I could kick back, watch something from Netflix, and knit on my Swirl jacket. Oh, the decadence! Knitting during daylight hours, instead of waiting until late in the evening, after crossing every other item off the day’s to-do list.

The Swirl jacket, by the way, currently looks like this:

Swirl WIP

What you see are the backs of the sleeves, and—starting with the bind-off in the center—the fronts of the sleeves and the front neck shaping. The bulk of the sweater (and I mean bulk) is currently contained within a drawstring bag. That bag is proving to be a sanity-saver. When I sit down to knit, I situate the bag on my knees. Then to work a row, I now only need to manage two floppy sleeves and their yarn supplies—the rest of the floppiness is held in check by the bag.

Still, with the week’s dreaded task out of the way, have I fired up Netflix yet? Nope. The sun is shining, and at this time of year in western Oregon, that’s a cause for celebration. I’m feeling guilty for even thinking of staying indoors. Still… maybe I’ll get in an hour of Netflix and knitting before heading outside and welcoming the sun.

Next week: back to the grind, I promise.

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