Where to draw the line?

By | August 19, 2014

With hundreds of possible cable crosses, where should Stitch-Maps.com draw the line? Which cable crosses should it support, at least at first?

To figure this out, I pulled a dozen stitch dictionaries, reference books, and pattern books off my shelves. Which cable crosses did they use?

The results were interesting, though not too surprising when you think about it. The most commonly used cable crosses appear to fall into just four categories.

1/1 and 1/1/1 crosses of all sorts

1/1 and 1/1/1 crosses

Lots of delicate and detailed textures are possible with these tiny crosses.

Crosses with 2-stitch strands on top

2/1, 2/2, and 2/1/2 crosses

Crosses with 2-stitch strands have always been my favorites: plenty of texture without the bulk of a three-stitch strand.

Crosses with 3-stitch strands on top

3/1, 3/2, and 3/3 crosses

Bold crosses with 3-stitch strands don’t appear in cabled stitch patterns as often as those with 2-stitch strands, but they’re common enough.

Wide but plain crosses

wide crosses

On occasion, you’ll see a really wide but plain cross, typically for dramatic effect.

So I figure these are the cable crosses that Stitch-Maps.com will support for starters. More can be added later, if need be.

That’s 48 crosses, by my count. It seems manageable to me. Does it sound reasonable to you?

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