Is it a bag, or …?

By | July 5, 2011

Nadine, you were right: Full o’ Sheep felts up funny.

is it a bag, or ...?

Despite being a smooth yarn, it produces a surprisingly bumpy felted fabric, as if the yarn were a bouclé. The effect is slightly more pronounced with the yellow yarn—maybe because it was bleached before being dyed, and this affected its ability to felt?

This isn’t to say there’s anything wrong with the fabric. It’s sturdy enough, and the Full o’ Sheep felted easily enough. If I wanted a felted fabric with lots of texture, Full o’ Sheep would be my go-to yarn.

But it’s not quite what I was aiming for this time around. The bumpy, bouclé-like texture is obscuring the colorwork patterning a tad more than I care for.

So, if I were to do this again, I’d pick a bigger, bolder pattern that would show up better even after felting. Or I’d pick colors closer to each other—say, a couple shades of a warm, natural brown—for a subtler effect. Or I’d stick with tried and true Lamb’s Pride, for a smooth felted fabric.

Oh, yeah. And I might felt a swatch before committing to the entire project. Maybe.

But beyond the “could haves” and “should haves,” I still haven’t decided just what this item is. It could still be a bag—I could still punch holes just below the top rim, and thread a cord through for use in closing and carrying the bag. DH says it could be a hat, but last I checked, Dr. Suess still had plenty of hats of his own. A third option: it could be a wastepaper basket. My office could use a wastepaper basket. Or, with a weight in the bottom, I suppose it could be an umbrella stand.

What do y’all think?